Forget about "acting your age"
Life is full of lessons, and one that I’m holding on to lately is that while your twenties are a time to figure out how to do life as a...
Crafting with Kids: Paper Mache Pumpkin
As it starts to get marginally cooler in Arizona (low 90s) and the leaves start to fall (theoretically at least) I am starting to feel...
School Challenges Revisited in Parenting my Baby Bee
I didn't expect to feel anything special when my Baby Bee began Kindergarten two weeks ago since she'd already been in full day child...
Someone Like Me
When I found out I was pregnant four years ago, I was living two thousand miles from my family, in a shaky marriage, changing jobs and...
Growing in Love With You
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who do I love most of all?” If you were to ask this question of the Magic Mirror, what would it reflect...
The Secret to Consciously Creating Joy and Peace
As I laid in bed this morning, relaxed and immobile I heard a familiar “warning huff” from my puppy, Sweetie McGee, that meant “it’s time...
Let’s be honest about what we lack so we can get what we deserve
If and when you think of art therapy, perhaps you think of play. If so, that is a good thing, but it’s only half the story. Traditional...
Weathering an Emotional Storm
On a good day being a mother is a challenge. On the worst days it can feel damn near impossible. Here are some ideas for I.N.S.P.I.R.E(d...
That’s it! Mama’s Running Away: Releasing Maternal Ambivalence
On the worst days, the weight of motherhood can be crushing. When you are overwhelmed, under-supported, and have one or more children...
Radical Self Care for Beginners
There is a meme that I see shared a lot that says something like…”I’m a mom, my hobbies are trips to the bathroom alone and silence.” ...